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Representation of nature-based solutions in hydrological and hydro-dynamic models

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Participating institutes: Deltares, University of Twente, VU Amsterdam, University de Liège

Areas under investigation: e.g. De Dommel, Geul, Vecht, Rur, Erft, Ahr river basins

Rationale and objective.

Nature oriented measures are considered attractive to mitigate effects extreme weather in river basins such as floods, and droughts. However, empirical evidence on the applicability nature-based concepts at scale is still missing. These concepts need implementation in large areas to be effective.  Real world, large scale experiments would provide the information needed, but run a considerable risk of failure. To lower this risk, an extensive analysis of the scalability and potential applicability of such solutions would be helpful. Hydrological and hydro-dynamic models are instruments to explore this, but there are numerous and they differ in representing the hydrological system. Assessment of the effectivity of nature based concepts using these instruments may therefore depend on the choice of the model.

 Our goal is to investigate to what extent the choice of the calculation model determines the estimated magnitude of the effect of nature-oriented interventions to mitigate adverse consequences during low and high discharges as a result of extreme weather.


With a group of MSc students of different universities we will explore the river basin response on the implementation of specific Nature oriented measures as simulated by a series of different hydrological and hydro-dynamic models. The research will comprise calibration and validation of different hydrological and hydro-dynamic models; the schematisation of different nature-based concepts, selection of extreme events and development of a framework to compare the results. The simulations will be done at least for the basins of the Vecht and Geul a.o.

The first assessments will be done using models that are applied in practice and which are maintained/used by the collaborating institutes, these are (a.o): HBV, WFLOW, OPENLISEM, DHYDRO, WOLF, MhM, etc.



Next to a series of MSc thesis, the hydrological models prepared as well as the schematisations, data to calibrate, validate the models and data describing the extreme weather events will be collected in a DELFT-FEWS environment to allow easy re-use and extension of the assessments.



Deltares, Delft. We strive to form a group of students from several universities together working on this topic



Successfully completed courses on hydrology and/or hydrological modellling and/or water resources management and a reasonable acquaintance with Python or other script languages for programming



Send an email with CV to; and Jeroen.aerts